Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Module 4: Connectivism MindMap

Module 4: Connectivism MindMap

My network has drastically broadened, changing the way I learn and am exposed to the world. The people who are reachable via technology and the various levels of knowledge that I have access to allow for a much richer learning experience of many subjects. Learning is a shared experience now, not a unilateral one.
The digital tools that I find facilitate learning best for me consist of my iPad, which provides a plethora of learning options from tech sites, daily local/national news, iTunesU, educational podcasts and videos, foreign language podcasts; also RSS feeds and text messages on my smartphone and iPad containing CNN news and headlines. This makes news and information and learning on-the-go most convenient and avoids the need to locate a laptop or desktop to be “connected”.
To learn new knowledge when I have questions I “Google” it! This is the first place I go. If it is the meaning of a word, I access my smartphone or iPad dictionary app, or access on my laptop or PC. If it is an instructional practice or if I want to “see” how something is done I access I utilize the Walden Library quite often, too, to peruse research topics. The world is definitely available at our fingertips.

1 comment:

  1. Toni,
    Great post! I,too, use a iPad to learn. The apps have been such a great tool for me. I have learned more lately then I did when I was in undergrad because of the technology increase in our society. Also, I "Google" everything just like you! If I ever need to know anything or if my students do, I directly go to Google.
