Sunday, July 8, 2012

Video Presentation Storyboard, Module 3 (T. Duke)

Jeriann, Christopher, & LaKeisha:

Please see below the storyboard outline of my video. Any and all feedback will be welcomed!

How are you all planning to create your videos? Will you film yourselves speaking? Will you incorporate an existing video from the WWW? I'm curious how to prepare that portion of the project. I believe I have the necessary equipment (camcorder, smartphone with video, and a digital camera with video capabilities), but am unsure how to proceed!  All suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


  1. Toni,

    Nice job on the storyboard! Like you, I am still working out how to do this video. I am probably going to video myself and a friend on skype (social presence) and then enlist my kids to be "stars"! Not sure exactly how this will work, but I am jotting ideas constantly.

    If you have any ideas, love to hear them!

    1. Christine, that sounds like it will be fun! (-:

  2. Toni,

    You have some great ideas! It looks so well put together already. I had not thought of using the video on my smartphone. I suppose I could do that. I will certainly not film myself. That would be troublesome! I like the slide where you introduce the keynote speaker. I did not include that in mine and should have! I gave some details on my blog on how I plan to handle the video stuff. Do you think that when he says that 50%+ must be original, that it would be okay to have that be original slides with transitional timers? That gets turned in to a movie in the end. I will probably put a question on the Ask the Instructor sight to see if that is an okay format.


  3. Jeri,

    Thanks! This is a fun project, but leaves a lot to the imaginations! I'm considering placing slides with voice overs in Movie Maker, or recording the information on my smart phone or camcorder; however, if I use either of the later two methods, I'm not sure what visuals I will use. I look forward to seeing his response to your question in the Ask the Instructor discussion board.

    Thanks for your feedback and comments.

  4. I am using I Movie. I haven't decided if I am going to video myself or just record my voice. Believe it or not I am a little camera shy. The camera adds 20 pounds. Lol

  5. Dear Toni, Excellent post! Your blog is very attractive. How did you upload your slides? For the video, I intend to interview someone.

    1. Aderonke,

      Thank you! I created it in PowerPoint, and saved it as a "PNG" file so that it would imbed in my blog. It would not imbed as a PowerPoint file. I'm trying to figure out how to use Animoto to create my presentation. Not sure yet if I'll be able to upload a voice-over into that medium. I'm anxious to see how everyone does this and learn from it! This is the fun part about being an Ed Tech student. (0:
