Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rhymes of History Technology (Module 3)


Before the 1872 first film was made, there were various other forms of motion picture (The History of Film, n.d.). As the rhymes of time began to replace the never-ending favorite of movie-watching – by means of making tapes available to borrow from the public library or video rental stores – even those methods have witnessed 21st century methods of movie-watching as services such as Netflix (n.d.) and Youtube (n.d.) have become popular. We can now take movies with us everywhere, everyday by downloading them or watching them from our smartphones and tablets!

I agree with the quote in this week’s discussion notes: ““The future will be like the past, only with cooler toys.”  As more and more opportunities are created for us to “toy” with technology, the more I find myself delving into learning, experimenting, growing, and at the same time “teaching others”, how to be more productive individuals and employees by implementing all types of technology. With so much portable power at our fingertips, it will be very interesting to see where the world of technology leads us, and to be an integral part of its growth.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2009). Rhymes of History  [Video]. In Emerging and future technology [DVD] Baltimore, MD: Author.

Netflix. Retrieved from

The History of Film (n.d.). Retrieved from

Youtube. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Toni,
    I agree. We no longer have to carry theses huge reels and the movie projector. I remember on year I ordered eight movies and they all came on the same day! Talk about a storage problem! Now my storage problem involves my iPad winch is the size of small book.

    Good post!

    1. Michelle,
      Yes, thank goodness for technological advancement! (-:

  2. Hi Toni,
    Great video! I downloaded a movie the other day and I thought it would never load. Why does it take so long to download? May be I am using the wrong program.

    1. Brigit,
      I'm sure it has something to do with the length of the movie. From where did you download it? A movie on Youtube should not take too long to download.
