Saturday, June 9, 2012

Educational Technology

I will be using this blog to interact with fellow classmates in my Walden University distant learning course this summer, "Principals of Distant Education" (EDUC 8842) as I begin to research and learn about the use of OPEN-SOURCE software and programs in distance education. I will also share topics that get my attention...from a passionate educator standpoint, from a Ph.D. student in Educational Technology view, as a teacher and doting, educationally-involved parent, and those issues that stretch my thinking about the fate of 21st century education. As I delve into research, run across quotes, pictures, and words that offer inspiration, I will share them here. I hope you will become a follower and learn from and enjoy my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Toni,

    I look forward to our group responses during this course. I am sorry that there was miscommunication of the topic choice for the video. I hope you will not have trouble switching over to the open source topic. I look forward to hearing about that topic as well.
