Monday, August 13, 2012

Introduction (PowerPoint)

                                                         References (PowerPoint)

The above introduction slide and reference slides were created using PowerPoint. I created the first video with animated characters at, and the second video (with my voice) was created using my iPad video camera and my desktop computer.

Although I am an avid photographer and videographer of people and events, I realized through completion of this project that I know a LITTLE about a LOT of technology, but not enough to be an 'expert' with ANY video capturing equipment for recording technologies! I worked and worked to get ANY program to combine the two videos, to no avail. This is an area in which I will improve.


  1. Toni

    I love the video. That is so cool. Thank you for sharing I think that my students would love creating something using that site.

  2. I liked your short clip using Goanimate. The conversation among the speakers is informative. Open source created an avenue for many people to have access to resources at no expense. I want to believe open source resources enhanced use of technology tools as many people could not afford the proprietary tools. I am not sure about the creation of separate clips. You could use Windows Live Movie maker to merge them into one video.

    1. Aderonke,

      Thanks for your comments! I tried my hardest to stitch the clips in Movie Maker, to no avail. Even though I've posted my project, I'm going to consult assistance to stitch all of it (powerpoint slides and both clips) together to improve it!

  3. Toni,

    I am glad you had luck with the GoAnimate site. I found it so easy to use - it is especially nice since it is free! Once you get your Mac you can stitch the clips together easily using IMovie. I enjoyed our visit on Skype last night. I certainly agree with your comment above about knowing a little about a lot. I find myself in the same position. I suppose in some circumstances that is a good place to be. It is frustrating to not be an expert when you need to be, however.


    1. Thanks, Jeriann! I really enjoyed your, Lakeisha's and my Skype conversation, too! I think that should be a syncronous requirement for every Walden course at least a couple of times each quarter. We get to find out so much about one another and it removes the barrier of distance and timidity (is that a word?!) of reaching out to classmates for assistance.

      Again, your project rocked!

  4. Toni,
    I really enjoyed your presentation. I loved how you used the election format as a round table discussion about open source. There were a few open source websites that you highlighted in your video that I will share with my teachers and put in my "Teacher Toolbox". You have inspired me to use GoAnimate, for some of my presentations!


  5. Toni I love the Go Animate portion of your video. It really did capture my attention. I will be using that in my classroom. Thank you. Also, I know for me, before you went into the advantages and disadvantages of open source learning, a definition of it would have been helpful.
    Finally, maybe you did already try this, but I just wanted to see if I could help you with combining your videos. Did you try importing them to Windows Movie Maker. That's what I used to create my video.
    Great Job!!

    1. Kanelia,

      Thank you! I would LOVE for us to maybe Skype (or by phone) and for you to assist me with combining my PowerPoint introduction and reference slides, and the two videos in between in Movie Maker. I tried, and tried, and no avail. I watched the tutorials over and over again (Youtube), and STILL could not figure out how to do it. I am so good at picking up and learning most things technological, but could NOT - for the life of me - combine all of these media for this project! I felt horrible having to post it like that, but was up against the deadline from trying so many things. My original plan to combine them in Animoto failed, my backup to create a prezi show failed, and I could not get Movie Maker to 'cooperate'! Anytime you're available, let me know. I appreciate the offer to help. 405.413.3853, Skype toni.l.duke - Thanks again!

  6. Your concept was very unique as well as the presentation. I liked the goanimate portion. Good Job.

  7. Toni,

    Despite your technical difficulties your video was very informative. I enjoyed the demonstration aspect of it and I have added the 100 useful resources to my list of favorites. Your GoAnimate portion was very creative as well.

