Sunday, August 5, 2012

Moving Toward Dynamic Technologies (Mod 5, Toni Duke)


These types of technologies are fun and informative and offer similar information to the traditional classroom, but “do little to help learners build their own knowledge” (Moller, 2008, p. 1). They provide lecture-like information for student memorization. Although somewhat static, but more dynamic than most, the collaboration strategies of static technologies necessitate more critical thinking abilities as the need to interact exists. They provide the need for learners to “consider…compare…synthesize…present responses…[as] new knowledge is created through analysis and argumentation” (Moller, 2008, p. 1).


Dynamic require a deeper level of thought and should be incorporated into every distance learning program. Dynamic technologies require that learners construct their own knowledge and are not ‘fed’ information by the teacher, resulting in a deeper more lasting understanding of the information presented (Moller, 2008).

I believe I am on the dynamic end of the “static-dynamic continuum. Although I enjoy many of the static technologies, for education to truly advance, we must work to incorporate more of the technologies that stretch critical thinking skills through the implementation of more dynamic technologies.

Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].


  1. Toni,

    Great work on the concept maps. From what I have read in your blog and discussion postings, I agree that you seem more on the dynamic end of the continuum. There is nothing wrong with the static delivery mechanisms. I truly enjoy many of them as well. Moving toward the dynamic does not mean abandoning the other. We are continue to grow and stretch to incorporate both learning mechanisms.


  2. Toni,

    I will echo Jeri's comment about incorporating various tools as needed so we can better help our students. Do you think that even a dynamic tool could be classified static if the teacher does not adjust methodology?


  3. Toni

    Great graphic oraganizers and post. Since you lean more toward dynamic tools what is your favorite dynamic tool and why?
